Monday, August 27, 2012


Hello from Sabah!

We arrived safely in Kota Kinabalu on Thursday night.  We have since then been staying at Sabah Theological Seminary.  The Internet there is rather spotty, but I have been journaling every day and am excited to share with you this beautiful place I will be calling home.

Until then, I wanted you to know that I am safe and sound and trying to get over the 4 am wake ups that go with jet lag :)


  1. Glad you have arrived safely! Craig and I look forward to following you on your journey! I have tears running down my face as I read your posts. I can't imagine how your mom is doing!! So proud of you!

  2. Glad to hear that you made it safely. I do check often for updates. If you haven't heard Tina had her baby a girl on August 28th 1 lb 7 oz 12 1/2 in long. Betsy
