Friday, September 7, 2012


Tomorrow I leave KK, the group of fellow Malaysia YAGMs, my country coordinator, and the stability that has since been acquired since leaving the United States.  I've been working on having no expectations for the upcoming year, but as I have been here and have been adjusting, I started making some predictions.  I don't know if predictions qualify as expectations-- but never the less.


  • That my students will teach me more than I can teach them
  • That I will somehow learn to like spicy food
  • That "service" will take on a whole knew meaning
  • I could get fantastic at hand-washing clothes (I'm super slow now)
  • Living in community will be a highlight of my year
  • I will try things I would never try at home (food and more)
  • Malay will become second nature (my language skills are still minimal)
  • Grace and Love will take on many forms and faces
  • I will learn and grow in what it means to be me

Thus far I have felt so incredibly blessed to be in this place.  I have a peace and calm in heart that makes it feel like this is exactly where I am supposed to be.

Thank you so much for joining me on this journey.  I couldn't be more happy to share it with such loving family and friends!

1 comment:

  1. I remember the days where you always told me that you wanted to do something like this but you could never commit. Now, you just have finally come to the point where you know and feel exactly where you are supposed to be. You made a good choice Ashley ;) Stay safe, learn lots.
